Stanley Lake in Spring
A stunning aerial presentation of Stanley Lake and Sawtooth mountains in Idaho. Good times, beautiful weather, fantastic scenery!
Produced by AeroVideo: Link to more Aero Videos
A Middle Fork Journey
The Middle Fork of the Salmon River is the gold standard by which other rivers are judged.
It’s a journey into a wilderness, at times restful and serene, at other times dramatic and threatening. But no one leaves the Middle Fork disappointed. This is Idaho at its best.
Produced by Idaho Public Television
Big Fish On The Salmon River
Fly Fishing The Salmon River
Produced by Mary Ann Dozer
Backpacking The Sawtooth Wilderness
Sawtooth Outdoor Bonspiel 2013
Curling at the first annual Sawtooth Outdoor Bonspiel (SOB) in Stanley, ID. 10 team competition with teams from both US and Canada. Join us next year for the second annual SOB! Check out our web page at for more information.